What about the fishing?
If you’ve made it this far in our website, you are probably interested in the fishing Eleuthera has to offer, particularly the fly fishing for bonefish. Eleuthera stands out against all other places in The Bahamas and the rest of the world because it is one of the only places we know about in the world which does not require a guide or a boat to consistently catch bonefish. That last part bears repeating so that it can sink in. You DO NOT need a guide or a boat to catch bonefish in Eleuthera. Accordingly, Eleuthera is one of the only (and best) places in the world where you can successfully have a do-it-yourself bonefish adventure.
 This prime bonefishing flat is right on the main road.
What makes Eleuthera such a great do-it-yourself bonefishing destination?
First, the mainland of Eleuthera is very long and narrow. To the east, is the Atlantic Ocean and to the west, the Caribbean Sea. The water depth drops off considerably from each side of the island (though not very deep on the Caribbean side). Accordingly, all of the shallow flats suitable for bonefishing are close to the mainland. As each side of the Eleutheran coast is well served by roads, you can drive to most of the good bonefishing locations in Eleuthera. Therefore, no boat is needed to get to the flats, just a rental car and occasionally some good walking shoes. The narrow island combined with the Atlantic/Caribbean coasts creates another bonefishing phenomenon on Eleuthera: each side of the island has a separate tide about two hours apart. You can fish the rising tide in the Atlantic and then drive a couple minutes to the Caribbean side and fish the rising tide there. Eleuthera has TWICE the amount of prime fishing time!
Once you have made it to your fishing spot you will find one of two main types of flats in Eleuthera: sand flats and coral flats (or a mixture of both). Some areas in Eleuthera do have what could be called “grass flats” but these have stable bases (sand or coral) suitable for wading. Therefore, once you reach the flats in Eleuthera, you can wade them. Again, no need for the boat. Anyone who has stepped out of the boat in a grass flat in Belize or Andros (and quickly sank to their waist in muck) can appreciate the beautiful, wadeable Eleutheran bonefish flats. There are places on the Caribbean side of Eleuthera where you can wade out so far you will swear you can see Miami!
 Another flat with drive up access...if you know where to drive!
What about the guide?
Once you take the need for the boat out of the equation, you take the need of a guide out of the equation. Just because you don’t need a guide to catch bonefish in Eleuthera, doesn’t mean a guide is not incredible helpful. Please read the “Is A Guide Needed?” section of this website before completing dismissing the guide from your travel plans. Hint: We recommend a guide for even the most experienced bonefisher for at least the first few days for your trip to Eleuthera. If anything, they are indispensable for pointing you to the places to buy cold beer!
 Fish On! No guide or boat. Notice the distance to shore. Eleuthera flats are BIG!
What other kinds of fishing is available in Eleuthera?
While we specialize in helping you get in front of bonefish with a fly rod, there are many other fishing opportunities in Eleuthera. On the flats you may run into the usual suspects: barracuda, jacks, snapper, permit, and tarpon. It is possible to get the “grand slam” in Eleuthera (catching a bonefish, permit, and tarpon on a fly rod), but unlikely. Seeing all three in a day of fishing would be a rare occasion. However, if you are going to be spending a lot of time out on the water, it may be a good idea to be prepared for permit and tarpon. If tarpon is a focus, we can get you a guide and a boat in search of these mirrored monsters while visiting Eleuthera. Our favorite bonefishing book, Bonefishing! by Randall Kaufmann has some great information regarding fishing for flats visitors other than bonefish. At the very least, bring some wire leaders and ‘cuda flies, if you dare! You will certainly see them lurking on the flats during your visit.
Getting away from the flats, if you would like to do some reef fishing (where you can pick up any of the above fish and no telling what else) we can set you up with a guide and a boat. This is fun family fishing as it is not a long trip, is not technical, and is full of fun action. You may even catch the night’s dinner!
Don’t forget deep sea fishing. The deep waters around Eleuthera are teaming with fish like blue marlin, mahi-mahi, wahoo, white marlin, sailfish, and sharks. If this kind of fishing “floats your boat” we can get you set up with the right charters. Just let us know what you are after, and we will do our best to help you get it to the boat.
 A rare event in Eleuthera. Sharing a flat with another fisherman.